The University holds its students to the highest standards of intellectual integrity. Therefore, any attempt by a student to pass any examination by improper means, present work that the student has not performed, aid and abet another student in any dishonest academic act, or have direct knowledge of such without reporting it, will subject the offending student to a meeting before the Honor Code Committee or the Student Performance Committee for possible disciplinary action, which may include probation, suspension, or even dismissal from the University.
All students are expected to commit to academic integrity by observing the standards for academic honesty. The following acts violate the academic standards:
- Cheating: intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise;
- Fabrication: intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise;
- Facilitating academic dishonesty: intentionally helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this code;
- Plagiarism: the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person as one’s own without proper acknowledgment;
- Misrepresentation;
- Bribery in an attempt to gain an academic advantage;
- Forging or altering documents or credentials;
- Utilization of position or power by a student for personal benefit or to the detriment of another student, faculty member, or member of the staff;
- Dishonesty in any form; and
- Behavior that does not meet the standards of the University, its affiliates, and the healthcare professions.
Students are expected to submit tests and assignments that they have completed without aid or assistance from other sources. Students must avoid any impropriety or the appearance of impropriety in taking examinations or completing work in pursuance of their educational goals; failure to do so may subject students to an action by the Honor Code Committee or the Student Performance Committee.
Copying of examination questions is expressly forbidden.