DGT 4001: Digital Health Track I

Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (RVUCOM)
Credits 2

Digital health refers to the use of any hardware or software solution which aids healthcare professionals and patients in the promotion of health and wellness. Digital health is vast and encompasses telemedicine, genomics, mobile apps, wearable technology, data analytics and more. The field of digital health has seen rapid innovation over the last decade and shows no indication of slowing down in the future. Digital health empowers patients to take an active role in their health care through changes like easy access to records or the potential for home-monitoring of chronic conditions. Physicians now have the ability to diagnose and treat where previously impossible. The further integration of technology and medicine will make quality healthcare more accessible for those who need it most. At this time there is a significant lack of healthcare professionals with the training, competency, and experience necessary to utilize and advance digital health. Student physicians must be trained in the understanding and utilization of these new technologies now to allow them to be leaders in future healthcare advances. 

The Digital Health Track course will to provide an intensive survey, exposure and clinical education surrounding a multitude of aspects of digital health over two semesters, and into OMS years 3 and 4 which will have a clinical requirement for the track (no grade). In total, this will include over 60+ hours of classroom/ clinical activities. Our aim is to promote continuity and applicability of education for the students who have been accepted into the DH track program, successfully complete it, and ultimately integrate digital health knowledge into their GME training and health care careers. This is just one component of the Digital Health Track, which is designed to span 3 years of formal osteopathic education, which may also include attending a digital health conference and working on a digital health practicum project/presentations/publications.