Employment During Enrollment

Employment of any kind during nurse anesthesia school is highly discouraged. The demands of DNAP program are so high as to preclude most employment opportunities. Students in the DNAP program are encouraged to contact the Office of Student Financial Services for help with budgeting if needed.

Nurse anesthesia students are prohibited from engaging in any activities (from the time of matriculation to the University until graduation or other termination of student status) that might be construed as the practice of anesthesia nursing without the proper supervision and direction of designated members of the faculty, clinical coordinators, or clinical preceptors, whether such activities are engaged in for compensation, done as a volunteer, or otherwise.

Any student who is a healthcare worker and wishes to be employed in the nursing or health-related field must contact the Office of Student Affairs and forward a request to the DNAP Program Director. All decisions of approval or disapproval will come from the DNAP Program Director. DNAP program students may not be employed as a nurse anesthesiologist/CRNA by title or function.  In the event that a student is approved for employment during the program, no provisions will be offered related to the curriculum design (both didactic and clinical) or schedule.