Excused Absences

An absence may be excused for the following reasons: student illness, death or illness of an immediate family member, or professional school interview. An absence may be considered unexcused for all other reasons, including the following: attendance at a wedding, a non-emergency doctor's appointment, or an urgent meeting with another RVU employee. Every student who is unable to attend a required academic event (e.g. quiz, exam, lab, class) must fill out a digital Absence Notification and Approval Form. Students should complete the form, including a detailed explanation for the absence, and submit the form digitally through the appropriate platform. Students may be notified to meet with the Course Director(s) or Program Director. Should a medical or another emergency (e.g. family crisis) occur that prevents a student from reporting to an examination or other required event on time, a student must notify (by email or phone call) the Course Director, a Program Director, or an Associate Dean or Dean as soon as possible, and preferably before the beginning of the examination/event. Students seeking an excused absence for a medical reason must provide a signed note from a licensed physician (DO or MD), PA, or NP indicating they were seen/treated. Family members, even those who are physicians, may not provide a note for excused absences. If a student is absent from a required event and does not provide an acceptable Absence Notification and Approval Form, the student may receive a grade of zero for that event. 

The Absence Notification and Approval Form is available online on the RVU iNet.