Failure of a Course

When a student incurs a failing grade, the SAPC reviews that student’s entire academic record in detail and may impose remedial action as described in the “Student Remediation” section. 

Decisions about remediation and promotion will be made in consideration of multiple factors (refer to Figure 1"SAPC Review Process"), including but not limited to:

  • The number of courses failed in a given semester;
  • The number of competencies in which expectations were not met as outlined in the course syllabi;
    • e.g. multiple competencies unmet in more than 1 course
  • The types of competencies requiring remediation;
    • e.g. knowledge deficits vs. skill or behavioral deficits
  • Professionalism concerns;
  • The learner’s ability to proactively seek out resources. 
    • e.g. consulting with course director(s), meeting with faculty advisors, seeking a tutor, if needed

If the student receives a second failing grade after completing remediation for the failed course, or receives an additional failing grade in a separate course or competency, the student may be dismissed from the program. 

The Student Assessment and Promotions Committee (SAPC) makes recommendations to the Program Director regarding dismissal and takes a comprehensive approach to reviewing student progression before making its recommendation. Holistic considerations include, but are not limited to:

  • Professional behaviors;
  • Resources accessed by student, either proactively, or as suggested by faculty (course director, advisor, tutoring, mental health);
  • Academic progression over time (improvement, lack of progression, or decline);
  • Number of courses or competencies in which the student is considered “at risk";
  • Previous remediation of a course(s) or competency(ies).

If a student is “at risk” for failing a course/competency, the course director(s) and SAPC will notify the student at least one (1) time during each semester. Notification will include recommended and/or required activities designed to promote success.