IPE 2011: IPE Grand Rounds

Credits 1

This course engages second year RVU-COM students and faculty with area (and occasionally remote) healthcare professionals representing diverse healthcare professions in inter-professional discussions of case studies consistent with primary care. The IPE Grand Rounds sessions are preceded by two foundational sessions in which students are taught how to compare healthcare professions on the basis of scope of practice and professional philosophies/values and compare healthcare practices (including prevention, therapeutics, diagnostics and practice management) on the basis of benefit, safety, economy and evidence. The IPE Grand Rounds sessions are 90-minute, moderated panel discussions of case studies In which healthcare providers from diverse healthcare professions discuss their respective approaches to diagnosing, treating or preventing the condition(s) contained in the case. At the conclusion of this two semester course students will have an enhanced understanding of how diverse healthcare professionals can collaborate In the delivery of coordinated, integrated and cost effective primary care. Guest healthcare experts serving as panelists may participate face-to-face or via Skype. Student participation in the discussions is 