Students will not interfere with the rights, safety, or health of members of the University community, nor interfere with other students’ rights and privileges in pursuit of their educational goals. Students are expected to abide by all University, College, and Program rules and regulations, and all local, state, and federal laws and regulations affecting their education and profession.
Failure to abide by rules and regulations at the University, College, local, state, and federal levels may lead to a meeting before the Professionalism Committee or the Student Performance Committee (or the Student Assessment and Promotions Committee for the PA Program) and disciplinary actions up to and including dismissal from the University. Markedly egregious violations of the Code of Conduct by a student, including violent acts, crimes, or behaviors such that there is a perceived real or potential threat to University personnel or property may be referred directly to the Dean or Program Director for investigation and action without Committee involvement.
Violations include but are not limited to:
- Theft, robbery, and related crimes;
- Vandalism or destruction of property;
- Disruptive behavior/disorderly conduct on the campus, at University-affiliated sites or at any University- or club-sponsored events, on- or off-campus;
- Physical or verbal altercation, assault, battery, domestic violence, or other related crimes;
- Possession, transfer, sale, or use of illicit and/or illegal drugs, or in the case of a minor, alcohol;
- Illegal possession of or use of a firearm, fireworks, weapons, explosives, or other dangerous substances or items on campus, at University-affiliated sites or at any University- or club-sponsored event, on- or off-campus;
- Appearance in class or on campus, at University-affiliated sites, or at any University- or club-sponsored events, when the student is impaired due to the use of drugs or alcohol;
- Failure of any student to report another student who has indication of impairment while that student is interacting with patients;
- Any act or conspiracy to commit an act that is harassing, abusive, or discriminatory or that invades an individual’s right to privacy, including but not limited to sexual harassment; discrimination and abuse against members of any racial, ethnic, national origin, religious group, or on the basis of sex/gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or cultural group and/or any other protected group or as a result of an individual membership in any protected group;
- Sexual misconduct;
- Stalking;
- Unacceptable use of computing resources as defined by the University;
- Impeding or obstructing a University investigatory, administrative, or judicial proceeding;
- Threats of or actual physical harm to others, or damage or vandalism to property;
- Any activity that may be construed as hazing or engaging in, supporting, promoting, or sponsoring hazing of another student, faculty, or staff member;
- Embezzlement or misuse of University and/or student organizational monies or resources;
- Failure to comply with the directives of a University official;
- Violations of the terms or conditions of a disciplinary sanction imposed by the administration;
- Violation of state or federal law, rule, regulation, or ordinance;
- Violation of HIPAA privacy requirements; and
- Fraud, misrepresentation, forgery, alteration, or falsification of any records, information, data, or identity.