Grading and Grade Point Average

Grade point averages (GPA) are based on a 100-point scale. The GPA is calculated by dividing quality points by GPA credit hours (pass/fail coursework is already excluded). The GPA will be a two-digit number with two decimal places and will not be rounded.

Incomplete Coursework

In the preclinical phase, a course grade of "Incomplete" will only be granted when approved by the appropriate Director of Preclinical Education (DPCE). Requests for an Incomplete that are denied by a DPCE may be appealed to the Assistant/Associate Dean of Preclinical Education, who is the final level of appeal. Incomplete grades must be completed by the designated deadline, or they will result in a course failure. Incomplete coursework must be completed before progressing to the next academic year.

In the clinical years, repeated tardiness, an unapproved absence, or any absences more than 3 days may result in a grade of incomplete, and the student may be required to repeat the entire clinical clerkship rotation.

Quality Points

Quality points are the cumulative points used to calculate the grade point average and class rank. Only courses with numeric final scores contribute to quality points. 

For courses where a numeric score is assigned, the value is used to calculate the quality points. For example, a final grade of 85.2 earned in a 2-credit course will award 170.4 quality points (85.2 x 2 = 170.4).


Class Ranking

Class rank for each student will be reported by quintiles based on accumulated total quality points in the following manner:

  1. For OMS I and II, quality points are earned in core curriculum courses for which an Honors, Pass, or Fail grade is assigned.
  2. For OMS III, quality points are earned in required core clerkship courses for which an Honors, Pass, or Fail grade is assigned.

Cumulative ranking will be reported on the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE). The MSPE that is made available to ERAS will have the cumulative OMS I, II, and III ranking, with each year contributing 1/3rd to the total rank. All rankings will be reported by quintile, unless required by a military or scholarship program, or for which students have given explicit permission.

The MSPE that is made available to ERAS will have two rankings. One will be the combined OMS I and OMS II rankings (weighted equally) and the other will be the OMS III ranking. Each ranking will be reported by quintile, unless required by a military or scholarship program, or for which students have given explicit permission.