Grade Report Symbol Information

The RVU PA Program uses a pass/fail grading system to assess student performance. No letter grades are given. At the end of each course, students will receive a grade of Pass (P), Fail (F), Incomplete (IN), Pass with Remediation (PX), or Withdrawal (W).

Pass (P): A grade of Pass (P) is given to a student whose performance meets the minimum requirements established within each course/clinical experience by the Course Director and as outlined in each course syllabus. 

Fail (F): A grade of Fail (F) is given when a student does not successfully pass a retake of incomplete (IN) course requirements, fails to meet expectations for a course regarding professionalism, OR, does not pass formal remediation for a failed course. Any failing grade will be brought to the Student Assessment and Promotions Committee (SAPC) for review. 

In Progress (IP): A temporary grade of In Progress (IP) is given when a student is unable to complete the requirements of a course because of illness or extenuating circumstances and is passing the course/clinical experience at the time the grade is given. 

Once the student completes the requirements, the Course Director will submit a grade change to the Registrar’s Office indicating the final course grade. In this instance, a Pass (P) or Fail (F) will replace the In Progress (IP) as the official course grade. 

After one academic year from the end of the course, if the student has not completed the course requirements, the IP grade will be replaced by a grade of Fail (F). If the student receives a grade of IP and withdraws from the program before completing course requirements, the grade of IP will be recorded as an Incomplete (IN) and will remain a permanent part of the official student transcript. 

Incomplete (IN): A temporary grade of Incomplete (IN) is given when a student has not successfully completed all course/clinical requirements by the end of the course/rotation and requires successful completion of all components to meet the minimum requirements of the course/clinical experience. 

An Incomplete (IN) grade requires successful completion of the required components. The student will have one (1) attempt to retake the required course components that were unsuccessfully completed. If the student successfully completes the required components, the grade of Pass (P) will replace the Incomplete (IN) as the official course grade. If the student does not successfully complete the required components on the retake attempt, the grade of Fail (F) will replace the Incomplete (IN) as the official course grade.

The official transcript will denote the final grade. 

The student may not be able to progress to the next level of training if a grade of Incomplete (IN) has been recorded and not rectified. This may result in an extended program and delayed graduation. After one academic year from the end of the course, if the student has not completed the course requirements, the Incomplete (IN) grade will be replaced by a grade of Fail (F). If the student receives a grade of Incomplete (IN) and withdraws from the program prior to completing course requirements, the grade of Incomplete (IN) remains a permanent part of the official student transcript.

If more than one (1) incomplete grade is received, the Student Assessment and Promotion Committee (SAPC) may decelerate the student (see Student Performance and Remediation Section).

Pass with Remediation (PX): A grade of Pass with Remediation (PX) is given to the student who receives a Fail (F) and successfully completes a formal remediation. The Fail (F) grade will convert to a Pass with Remediation (PX) designation on the student’s transcript once the remediation has been successfully completed. 

Withdrawal (W) is a special symbol that is an indication of registration or grade status and is not assigned by the instructor. Note: The RVU PA Program curriculum is built entirely on courses taken sequentially. Therefore, a Physician Assistant student may withdraw from a course only with permission of the SAPC. In most instances, withdrawing from a course will result in withdrawing from the Program since all courses must be completed in sequential order. A Withdrawal (W) notation is recorded on the student’s permanent record. Students who do not officially withdraw are subject to grades of Fail (F) for all coursework.

All coursework must be completed for any given academic year before a student can progress to the next academic year. In the event a student is unable to satisfactorily complete the program’s prescribed course of study, the student shall come before the SAPC for further review.  All courses and program requirements must be successfully completed in accordance with program and course timelines and policies for a student to graduate from the Program. (See Didactic and Clinical Grading Schemas below)

Grade Report Symbol List

Grading Scheme - Clinical