Elective Courses (Non-Clinical)
A selection of short electives may be offered at each site to interested RVU students. These electives may cover topics just touched upon in the normal curriculum and/or may involve current hot topics in medical training. Current electives are Fundamentals of East Asian Medicine, Graphic Novels and Medicine; History of Medicine; Medical Spanish; Medicine in Film; Religion, Health & Healthcare; Vaccines. Other topics are in development and may be offered as well. All students in "Good Academic Standing" (as defined in the "Academic Policies" section of the RVU Student Handbook and Catalog) are eligible to sign up for offered electives. Course titles, descriptions, and registration information will be announced after the start of each semester. Classes will be approximately 8-16 hours in length, may occur at any time outside of the normal curriculum (i.e. evenings and weekends), and will be graded pass/fail. These electives are offered through the Tracks and Special Programs Department.
Elective options may vary by campus location and mode of delivery.
International Clerkships
Offered through the Department of Tracks and Special Programs. All third- and fourth-year RVU-MCOM students are encouraged to participate in at least one international clerkship. In fact, about 40% of each graduating class has completed some form of international medical training experience during their time spent at RVU.
This should be a two- to four-week excursion during their clinical years. Students may participate in one of the RVU-MCOM sponsored trips, trips planned by an outside agency, or set up their own. All students must undergo an academic and site approval process, as well as complete a travel file with the Department of Tracks and Special Programs. There are detailed guidelines as to the process for participation outlined in the MyVista Student Portal, under the Tracks & Special Programs Department tab, section titled "Global Travel for ALL Students."
Military Medicine Program
The Military Medicine Program is primarily for RVU-MCOM students who are slated to enter active duty service with the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marines. Most students in this pathway have typically earned a scholarship to attend RVU-MCOM through the United States Army, United States Air Force, or the United States Navy. As such, they have acquired a service obligation of varying length to the branch of the military funding their education. On occasion, other RVU students who are a part of a Guard or Reserve Unit, or those considering military service or with prior military experience may constitute some of the Military Medicine Program members. These students should exhibit a high level of academic achievement and express a strong interest in becoming a United States military physician and a part of the RVU Military curriculum. This course provides an overview and introduction to military medicine.
The Military Medicine Program will incorporate immersion-based reality training, surgical simulation, information sessions, and experiences related to Medical Corps Officer military obligations, leadership/discipline, harsh military environments/field exercises, disaster stabilization/evacuation, and triage in combat environments on land, sea, and air. Liaison with community and national leaders/military officers at U.S. posts, bases, medical centers, hospitals, and others sites occurs in order to achieve the goals and objectives of this Program.
This Program spans a total of 3.5 years of the members’ core educational experience at RVU-MCOM, beginning in the second semester of the first year.