Remediation of Courses

If a student fails and individual course, the MSBS-SPC may recommend that the student remediate that course, with a timeline determined by the MSBS-SPC and MSBS Program Director. The creation of remediation exams and/or remediation assignments will be up to the discretion of the individual course directors. Students who successfully remediate a course failure will receive a grade of a C- (minus). The grade achieved by remediation will be re-recorded on the transcript next to the original grade with an “X” next to the remediation grade to denote that the course has been remediated. No more than two courses may be remediated unless approved by the MSBS-SPC and/or MSBS Program Director.

Any student who fails a remediation will return to the MSBS-SPC.  The SPC may recommend that the student repeat the course the following school year, that the student be dismissed from the program, or other appropriate course of action. The Program Director will issue a decision that may or may not align with the SPC recommendation. Decisions are subject to appeal to the Provost.

Students who remediate a course may be ineligible for the MSBS-COM Tier system.