Academic Grievances Policy (Grade Appeal)

Matters regarding grading disputes of assessments within a specific course or other requirement shall include all concerns related to specific grades received or the processes by which grades are determined.

Except under unusual circumstances, all grades (including the final grade for cumulative course performance) will be determined by the Course Director. When extraordinary circumstances bring a student to seek an appeal of a decision regarding a course grade, the student must seek solutions through the following administrative channels, entering at the appropriate level and proceeding in the order stated below. All appeals and decisions must be in writing.

  1. Course Director(s);
  2. DNAP Program Director (who can send appeal to the DNAP Student Performance Committee (DNAP-SPC) if deemed appropriate)
  3. Provost

Students seeking to resolve a grading concern through the administrative channels above must initiate formal action in writing no later than five business days after the course has been finalized. The written appeal must state the circumstances surrounding the grade dispute, with specificity. Review of a student problem and complaint at each administrative level will be carried out as expediently as possible. If the student is not satisfied with the DNAP Program Director's decision, the student may appeal to the Provost. If the student chooses to continue the appeal, this must be done in writing within five business days of the date the decision was rendered at each level of the appeal, excluding weekends and official school holidays.


  1. A cumulative passing score (grade) of B (80%/3.0) or better. 
  2. “Satisfactory” rating for each clinical practicum objective.
  3. Each student is evaluated on clinical days and comprehensively at mid-term and upon completion of the semester.