Osteopathic Medical Student Coalition of the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine

The OMSC promotes the public health and art and science of osteopathic medicine by bringing into one organization the students of medicine enrolled at fully accredited institutions granting Doctorates of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) in the state of Colorado. The OMSC aims to encourage active participation in the legislative process to advocate for our patients and our profession, advance the professional knowledge of surgery, obstetrics and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease in general, and encourage the establishment and expansion of the training and education of osteopathic physicians within the State of Colorado. Additionally, the OMSC aims to unite with county and district medical societies to form and maintain the Colorado Society of Osteopathic Medicine, hereafter also referred to as CSOM; and, ensure that the evolution of the osteopathic principles shall be an ever-growing tribute to Andrew Taylor Still, M.D., D.O. who made possible osteopathy as a science.