Student Religious Accommodations for Excused Absence Policy

Rocky Vista University (RVU) aims to provide a reasonable accommodation for the sincerely held religious beliefs of a student if the accommodation would resolve a conflict between the individual’s religious beliefs or practices and an educational requirement unless doing so would create an undue burden for the university. RVU will make determinations about religious accommodations and attendance/excused absences on a case-by-case basis considering various factors and based on an individualized assessment in each situation.

RVU strives to make determinations on religious accommodation requests expeditiously and will inform the individual once a determination has been made. If there are questions about an accommodation request, please contact the Vice President for Inclusive Excellence, in the Office for Inclusive Excellence.

Students are strongly encouraged to submit all religious accommodation requests for the entire academic year via the iNET form ( during the first week of the semester. Requests may require up to two weeks to process. Please be aware that failure to submit requests in a timely manner may delay the implementation of any approved accommodations.

Students should understand that if accommodation is granted, missing time from an internship or clinical placement may require the student to make up work or repeat the internship or clinical placement at a later time, potentially delaying progress in the program and/or graduation.

If examinations or assignment deadlines are scheduled on the day(s) of a religious observance, any student who provided advance notice in accordance with program policies and procedures will have the opportunity to make up the examination or extend the assignment deadline and will not be penalized for the absence.

Being absent from class or other educational responsibilities does not excuse students from meeting all expectations set during the missed class(es). Students are responsible for obtaining the materials and information provided during any class(es) missed.

revised 9.18.24

See Addendum