Student Dress Code Policy

Purpose and Scope: This policy outlines basic dress code requirements students must follow while on campus during business hours (typically 8am- 5pm).

Policy Statement: The RVU dress code reflects the dignity of the health care profession and respect for other students, faculty, administration, staff, and particularly special visitors.  

The dress code reflects a general minimum standard for the campus community. Students should refer to the course syllabi and program handbooks for further specific dress requirements (e.g., labs, lectures, rotation sites). The University has the right to require specific dress for specific occasions (e.g., special guests on campus, “casual Fridays”) and students will be notified of any adjustments. Questions regarding appropriate attire may be directed to the Office of Student Affairs and setting-/program-specific leadership.]  

The different learning and teaching environments at RVU may require different dress styles and what is appropriate for one setting may be inappropriate for other settings. (e.g., lab, lectures, OPP lab, recreational activity). Regardless of the setting, all clothing should be neat, clean, and respectful of others. Everyone is expected to be well-groomed and wear clean clothing, free of holes, tears, or other signs of wear beyond normal functionality. On lab days when alternative attire is required, students should dress as directed by professors/preceptors and can do so for the day, with the exception that shorts, sports-bras (and equivalent), and bare chests should be covered by professional scrubs or other dress-code-appropriate attire. Students practicing OMM skills outside of lab, may be permitted to wear lab-appropriate clothing while practicing.  

Appropriate attire does not include clothing with rips, tears or frays; or any extreme style or fashion in dress, footwear, accessories, or fragrances. Inappropriate attire also includes clothing having language or images that can be construed, based on societal norms, to be 21 RVU Student Handbook and Catalog offensive or contribute to a hostile learning and working environment. Hats and headwear are not permitted other than for religious or cultural purposes.  

All students are permitted to wear the clothing of their choice regardless of traditional gender norm conformity. Students may dress in accordance with their gender identity and gender expression, provided that such clothing does not violate other aspects of the university dress code.  

Students should be open to feedback regarding their attire from peers, faculty, and staff, as the attire of any student can impact others and the RVU community. Questions or concerns regarding dress or dress-related feedback can be brought to the Assistant/Associate Deans of Student Affairs whose decision will be final in the event of an issue. Generally, students will be expected to self-monitor their own attire. However, egregious or repeated dress violations will be considered unprofessional behavior and may result in a disciplinary sanction outlined in the Code of Conduct. Students may be asked to leave campus to change if they are inappropriately dressed depending on the specific situation and case.  

When uncertain, students should default to business casual attire or professional scrubs. Business casual is generally characterized as: slacks/trousers, jeans, dresses, and skirts with modest lengths; collared shirts, sweaters, and blouses; clothing that covers the chest, back, torso, stomach, and lower extremities from armpit to mid-thigh when the body is standing straight and when bending over or reaching the hands above the head; tops that have shoulder straps; bottoms that fully cover an individual’s buttock. Business Casual attire is not required after 5pm, but appropriate clothing is still expected.  

Cultural and religious attire is welcomed as long as it is safe and appropriate for the specific learning environment. Students must wear their RVU ID at all times unless outlined differently in course or clinical syllabus.  

When on location at clinical training sites, students must adhere to the training site’s dress code. Students are required to reach out to each of their training sites one week prior to the beginning of each clerkship rotation to learn the appropriate attire. 

Additional Information: Nothing in this Policy limits the authority of the university to issue, amend, or withdraw a policy.
Additional resources can be found in the University Policy Repository, currently entitled “DynamicPolicy” at: .

Contact Information: Compliance Department, (720) 874-2481;