The Student Promotions Committee is charged by the Provost with the maintenance of the academic and professional standards of the RVU PA Program. The Committee has the responsibility to monitor student performance and assist students with academic and professional issues as they progress towards graduation. The SAPC is composed of core RVU PA Program faculty members, a representative from RVU Student Affairs, and one or both PA Medical Directors. The Program Director designates the Chair.
The SAPC is responsible for overseeing student assessment activities, including, but not limited to:
- Creating assessment and promotion policies;
- Issuing status notices;
- Student professionalism;
- Granting leaves of absence;
- Reviewing/acting on results of criminal background checks; and
- Making determinations for promotion, remediation, remediation with progression, referral, and entrustment.
The SAPC makes recommendations to the Program Director for:
- Consideration of remediation without progression
- Dismissal
The process to appeal decisions of the SAPC is outlined under the “Rights for Appeal" section.