Official Non-Medical Leave of Absence (LOA)
A student requesting an Official Non-Medical LOA must submit a written petition as described in “Requesting a LOA”. The Student Assessment and Promotions Committee may grant a leave of absence for a maximum of one (1) year, placing the student on an extended program. If the request for an Official Non-Medical LOA is granted, a student will begin the Official Non-Medical LOA in “at risk” or “not at risk” as determined at the time of the LOA by the SAPC.
The student’s academic work, including course performance, clinical requirements, and professional behavior prior to beginning an Official Non-Medical LOA will be used in determining the student’s status at the time the LOA begins. At the time the Official Non-Medical LOA is granted, the SAPC will establish criteria for return. Upon receipt of a petition to return, the SAPC will determine whether the student is eligible to continue the RVU PA Program. Such a determination is based upon various factors including, but not limited to:
- The student’s status at the time the leave began;
- The student’s performance before taking the leave;
- Curricular or Program changes, if any, that occurred while the student was on leave;
- Additional requirements may be instituted due to changes in the program curriculum or policies since the leave began.
An Official Non-Medical LOA for any reason may be granted for variable amounts of time; however, no more than two (2) one-year leaves may be granted, and all program requirements must be completed within the maximum time of 40.5 months from the time of matriculation. The two (2) one-year leaves of absence may not be consecutive. If the student is not ready to return after a one (1) year Official Leave of Absence, the student must withdraw from the University and the RVU PA Program or be dismissed. The SAPC determination of the student’s status at the time of Official Non-Medical LOA begins is not appealable.
Official Medical Leave of Absence (LOA)
A student requesting an Official Medical LOA must submit the written petition as described in “Requesting a LOA”. The request must include:
- Evidence from a licensed practitioner of medicine (MD/DO/PA/licensed mental health provider) that the student is under the care of the practitioner.
If the request for an Official Medical LOA is granted a student will begin the Official Medical LOA “at risk” or “not at risk” as determined at the time of the LOA by the SAPC. The student’s academic work, including course examinations, clinical requirements, and professional behavior prior to beginning an Official Medical LOA, will be used in determining the student’s status at the time the LOA begins.
At the time the Official Medical LOA is granted the SAPC will establish criteria for return. Upon receipt of a petition to return, the SAPC will determine whether the student is eligible to continue the RVU PA Program. Such a determination is based upon various factors including, but not limited to:
- The student’s status at the time the leave began;
- The student’s performance before taking the leave;
- Curricular or Program changes, if any, that occurred while the student was on leave.
Additional requirements may be instituted due to changes in the program curriculum or policies since the leave began. A LOA for any reason may be granted for variable amounts of time; however, no more than two (2) one-year leaves may be granted; and all program requirements must be completed within the maximum time of 40.5 months from the time of matriculation. The two (2) one-year leaves of absence may not be consecutive. If the student is not ready to return after a one (1) year Official Medical Leave of Absence, the student must withdraw from the University and the RVU PA Program or be dismissed. The SAPCs determination of the student’s status at the time of Medical Leave of Absence begins is not appealable.
Request to Return from an Official Non-Medical and Medical Leave of Absence
To request a return from an Official Non-Medical and Medical Leave of Absence, a student must submit:
- A written petition requesting return to the Program.
- The SAPC must receive the written request no later than 10 calendar days before the LOA ends.
- For a Medical Leave of Absence, documentation from a licensed practitioner of medicine (MD/DO/PA/licensed mental health provider) indicating the student is able to return to studies and clinical rotations.
- Requests may be submitted via email directly to the Director of Curriculum, Director of Clinical Education, or the Program Director, who will route the request to the SAPC.
If a student fails to submit a complete and timely petition to return to the program, that student will be deemed permanently withdrawn from the program and will not be permitted to reapply except through the standard application process described in “Rights of Reapplication”.
If the SAPC denies the student’s petition to return, the student may appeal that determination through the appellate process described in “Rights for Appeal.” The SAPC may request an independent medical evaluation if there is a question regarding the students need for medical leave or readiness to return to the program.
A student on an official leave, regardless of the reason, may NOT participate in RVU PA program activities including, but not limited to, courses, examinations, or student organization activities.
Requests for Withdrawal
Students may, at any time and for any reason, voluntarily withdraw from the program. Such action will be considered a resignation under which the student surrenders all rights and privileges as a student of the PA program and the University. A student must notify the Program Director in writing of their desire to voluntarily withdraw from the program. If the student desires to return to the program in the future, he or she must initiate a new application through CASPA and, should the student be re-accepted into the program, he or she will be required to start the program from the beginning and complete all program requirements, including any courses previously successfully completed prior to voluntary withdrawal.
Students who voluntarily withdraw from the Program are required to meet with the Program Director and the Office of Student Financial Services prior to the withdrawal becoming official.