Writing Center

The Rocky Vista University Writing Center assists writers in the development of effective written communication, assignments, and professional documents, offering guidance from start to finish—from brainstorming and outlining to revising and editing. Through audience- and genre-centered instruction, specific feedback, and access to resources, the RVU Writing supports faculty and students alike.

One-on-one and small-group sessions are tailored to support students and build more accomplished writers in any type of written work, including:

  • Reflective writing; 
  • Proposals, reports, and reviews; 
  • Abstracts and manuscripts;
  • Personal statements; and,
  • CVs, resumes, and other professional writing documents.

Sessions are designed to help students: 

  • Understand assignment expectations; 
  • Generate, organize, and develop ideas; 
  • Analyze, synthesize, and argue; 
  • Summarize, paraphrase, and document sources; and, 
  • Recognize and revise issues with grammar and syntax.